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8 results for keyword:statistical research
8 results for keyword:statistical research

Traffic Flow Density Estimation using Neural Networks

Estimating traffic flow densities measured through road sensors using neural networks


Time series modelling of mobility trends, 1999-2021

Discussion paper about a method to estimate detailed mobility trends corrected for discontinuities


A Person Network of the Netherlands

As part of its research programme Statistics Netherlands has derived a network of the entire Dutch population. This paper describes the methods used to derive the network and will give an overview of...


Estimation of antenatal care coverage in Bangladesh

Method of estimating annual figures based on surveys that become available every three to four years.


Methodology Research Vision 2020- 2025

CBS Methodology Research Vision 2020- 2025


Better Data, Better lives

Interim review 2017-2019: Three years of Center for Big Data Statistics at Statistics Netherlands


Using Website texts to detect Innovative Companies

Producing an overview of innovative companies in a country is a challenging task.
